True or False: Social Media is a Key Driver for Word-of-Mouth Marketing

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True or False: Social Media is a Key Driver for Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Social media has generated a positive buzz around online marketing. According to Ted Wright, the author of Fizz, “a single recommendation from an influencer on social media reaches a total of 40,370 people over a year”. Impressive, right? The power of social media has spread all over the globe. And traditional recommendations are now taken through social media channels.  

Therefore, we can say that social media is a key driver of word-of-mouth marketing, as well as it is a valuable tool for advertising. Now let’s dive deeper into how social media, and online word-of-mouth marketing work today. 

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media Marketing (SMM) is the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. to connect with potential customers. These platforms enable businesses, brands, and companies to build an audience, increase their sales, drive traffic to their website, and engage with them to get feedback. 

Previously, people used to connect offline through word of mouth for creating awareness about different goods and services. Today we are using social media platforms to recommend, review and be aware of what happens in the world. 

Why is social media a key driver for word-of-mouth marketing?

People love sharing their emotions, feelings, and experiences. As well as they like discussing different services and products. With the popularity of social media platforms, the perspective of such discussions has shifted online. Though people take the same actions, this form of marketing became digitalized.

Online platforms helped to blur the borders for sharing customers’ experiences. As a result, social media become a key driver for word-of-mouth marketing. And here are the most essential reasons why brands should take this form of marketing seriously:

1. Access to a wider audience 

The way we communicate has drastically changed. Now, more than ever before in history people are trying their best to be heard online. Opinions are shared in seconds and without any barriers!

In today’s age, social media has become an essential tool for any brand to reach its target audience. With the rise in popularity of digital platforms this form of marketing couldn’t be more necessary! Not only does it provide brands with increased exposure but also allows people all over the world to connect through shared interests which can lead to many opportunities for business.

2. Social media is shaping the interests

Social media provides potential opportunities to interact with customers knowing their tastes, choice, and preferences. For customers, it’s an incredibly rich source of information about what the market offers today. The rise of online shopping has resulted in spending more time on social media, and it greatly influences consumers’ purchasing decisions.

Almost 81% of the people are influenced by social media posts from their friends, family, or relatives when they think about buying something. According to Forbes, 66% of consumers are inspired by a new brand after seeing it on social media. And almost 71% are likely to buy the products. And that is the power of social media that business shouldn’t ignore.  

3. Free marketing opportunities 

Social media is a mix of both free organic traffic and paid marketing. There are multiple opportunities for brand promotion without paying a penny. The more positive feedback you get on social media, the easier it will be for your business to get free traffic and boost sales.

The only cost is the time and effort required to maintain an active presence on social media. For businesses looking to take advantage of this opportunity, the first step is to start sharing content that will appeal to their target customer base.

4. User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC, or user-generated content, has quickly become the most popular type of social media content used by businesses. It allows customers to spread their opinions globally, while for brands, it is a great tool to connect with their audience and build brand loyalty.

Also, UGC is very cost-effective. Businesses don’t have to spend anything to create or publish UGC. Moreover, it can often be repurposed or reused in other marketing campaigns.

Finally, this type of content is incredibly powerful in terms of reach and engagement. A recent study found that user-generated content is 250% more shareable than traditional marketing content. And it generates 6.9% more engagement than traditional content. With numbers like that, it’s no wonder businesses are turning to UGC to help them reach their goals.


– What is the #1 way a company can be successful with social media marketing?

To be successful with social media marketing, a company must focus on creating a proper social media strategy considering all relevant techniques and tools. It is highly important to be consistent in posting, create interesting and engaging customer-centered posts, and track analytics to get an idea of the progress. Customers are interested in content that answers their curiosities.  

– How has social media changed marketing?

Social media has completely changed the world of marketing. It provided free advertising opportunities, direct connection with users globally, communicating business values, and working with feedback. Social media platforms give a number of tools and formats for businesses to engage with their audience, such as creating posts, sharing videos, making live streams, and chatting with customers.  

What is the primary reason why social media marketing efforts fail?

One of the primary reasons why marketing efforts can fail is a lack of focus and poor execution of strategies. Content creators do not use a proper roadmap, and ignore analytics and the quality of the content. Additionally, lacking consistency also leads to failure. Meanwhile, they just keep posting but do not connect with the audience. For success, business should consider its target audience’s interests first.

Sum Up 

People use social media to spread the word through posts, pictures, live streams, infographics, products, and service reviews. And for that reason, social media became a powerful marketing tool. While offline marketing is time-consuming and limited, social media unlocked new horizons for spreading opinions all over the world. Businesses generate millions of dollars in revenue due to social media marketing. So, why not take social media seriously?

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